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Employers hire right with an HRMS integration software that is agile, flexible, and follows the trend. The uKnowva HRMS adds the same advantage in the recruitment cycle for hiring managers.

This practice frees hiring and recruiting managers’ time to complete other critical tasks. Our digitally transforming HRMS software solutions speed up recruitment and push employee experience to new levels.

Continue reading this blog post and understand how we deliver on that promise from the first day to the last.


Ways In Which The uKnowva HRMS Integration Speeds Up Hiring And Employee Experiences:

Finds the right employee for the job from anywhere online

The modern hiring process can find companies with their top talent from anywhere. Hiring managers can then automate and streamline these activities using the uKnowva HRMS software.

It has the best recruitment engine at present that fits every growing startup. 

The recruitment engine can help hiring managers integrate job portals over the network. That way finding the right talent online from across the world is easy and fast.

It saves time on research and posting jobs on multiple portals at once. 

Encourage work-life balance to avoid E-presenteeism

The happiness metre in the HRMS integration helps gauge the right mood of the newly hired employee. This strategy is becoming more important after implementing a hybrid and remote working culture. 

E-presenteeism is showing the boss that you’re always online and available. That is when you believe that being online is equal to becoming hard-working and dedicated. This belief leads to possible burnout and anxiety levels in the freshers. 

That is why our HRMS software helps check the right moods of your employees. That means knowing if they are punctual, disciplined, meeting goals, and feeling happy. 

There are live reports on the dashboard that hiring and talent managers access and assess.After that, deciding whether to give employees a day off or talk to them about their erratic behaviour is a must. 

Later, hiring managers also realise what type of employees to hire in the next cycle.

These managers can also develop better talent by reconnecting with existing employees and removing their misbelief about staying online and available unnecessarily. 

Shortlist and hire an employee without bias

The uKnowva recruitment engine works on algorithms that leave no chance of bias or manipulation. The automated functions in this system assists hiring managers in scouting the deserving talent based on their merit and keywords. 

The bots in the recruitment engine read and shortlist potential CVs very quickly. This process saves hundreds of monthly hours for hiring managers and their teams. The bots become more experienced and educated with the information fed to them. 

These recruitment bots and engines read the statistics of the efficiency of each employee hired upon their recommendation. In time, these improve the recommendation for the hiring source, channel, and candidate pool. 

So, the HRMS software stays away from bias or favouritism. This helps HRs hire new and experienced talent based on their skills and experiences. The recruitment engine will store the evidence of each hired talent to audit later.

Implementation of HR analytics to know about the upcoming attrition period

The HRMS integration activities with HR analytics in the uKnowva help hiring managers recruit better and faster. The analytics helps these managers to know about the upcoming peaks and dips in the attrition rates. 

This is an important statistic which helps CHROs reshape and revamp their company culture. Based on these figures, hiring teams decide how many and how often to recruit for their firm. 

The system first reads the entire employee data and their regularity over the network. Based on the data fed, HR analytics checks the firm's attrition rate peaks. 

These analytical reports will be available to the ones who have permission. That includes admins, super admins, hiring managers and their teams.

They all access the HR analytics on the go. That’s because the uKnowva recruitment engine is accessible from any smart device with the right credentials. 

Apply a data-driven strategy when hiring the next batch of employees

This point is closely related to HR analytics but is more strategic. Simply reading HR analytics data for attrition rates isn’t enough. 

CHROs also have to play an important part in deciding the recruitment policies. Their practice in refining the recruitment strategies will be consistent. It depends on the data fed into the system and reports available to the CHROs and their teams. 

The HRMS integration features at the uKnowva HRMS helps managers integrate data from different systems. This includes integrated reports on employees from:

  • Performance management tool
  • Timesheets & project management system
  • Virtual biometric system
  • Dedicated help desks and grievance management tools
  • Employee engagement tools: the social intranet or/and meeting rooms
  • Core HR activities in the HRMS
  • Different job and career portals integrated into the HRMS

Every such integration teaches the system how efficient the current batch of employees is. It helps CHROs in reframing the talent needs for the next quarter. These refinements in the hiring process bring more inclusion, diversity, and prosperity to the workplaces. 

Offers a smoother user experience with automated CV parsing and shortlisting

The modernised and AI-backed uKnowva recruitment engine automated bulk hiring by automated CV parsing and shortlisting. Managers have enough time to complete other critical and pending tasks because of this activity. 

They don’t have to watch the automated process when the system automatically reads multiple CVs. These hiring managers also set triggered responses and replies for candidates who are yet to complete their applications. 

This eases the follow-up procedure in the initial stages of hiring and recruiting talent. Shortlisting potential candidates in bulk is fast and user-friendly using our HRMS software.

Automated job postings on various portals

Our recruiting software allows new-age recruitment officers and managers to integrate different job portals. This will help the team publish job postings simultaneously on various sites and portals. 

They don’t need to review each site/portal manually and copy/paste the job posting repeatedly. This is time-consuming and quite tedious. 

The system publishes the job postings on every integrated job portal automatically after clicking publish. This activity is time-saving and helps hiring managers post more often without delays. 


The uKnowva recruitment engine understands more generations’ needs to add value at every hire and onboarding.

Its HRMS integration helps fasten the recruitment process from scouting to onboarding. There are ample opportunities for managers to automate their daily bulk hiring tasks. 

To know more, contact us today

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