While HR technology is here to stay, it is unclear in what shape and to what degree it will influence the HR function. Talent analytics is already assisting HR in making more accurate talent decisions, while HRMS software like uKnowva are assisting in the streamlining of talent workflows, applicant tracking systems have made high volume recruiting a reality, and HR Social Media now carries a strong employer value proposition messaging to a targeted audience.
These are just a few instances of how HR technology is altering talent management.
Despite these success examples, companies are shying away from recruiting people for technological transitions due to aversion to change. To guarantee that the union of talent and technology produces the intended outcomes, popular HR Tech myths must be debunked.
List Of 5 Common HR Technology Myths To Debunk:
IT knowledge is required to utilise HR technology:
The statement that one must be a developer or user interface specialist to use HR software is incorrect.
A lot of HR systems and platforms rely on being user-friendly and simple, with anyone being able to utilise them with ease and speed. In reality, they are as widely available as popular consumer-grade technologies such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Using technology lowers human interaction:
HR technology is only a tool; talent management has been and will always be about managing people. In the case of recruiting, an ATS or HCM can assist in promoting the employer and attracting applications, but the final hiring decision will be made by actual people—HR and business management.
Many duties that technology has taken over are typically mindless and repetitive ones that machines can better accomplish.
There will be no privacy:
While this has become a general fear as a result of greater technology dependency, it is not unmanageable. Increased data security features enable the function and the organisation to employ technology while avoiding technological problems.
Modern HCM solutions are protected by a variety of data privacy settings, encryption, access limits, and multi-factor authentication, among other things.
There is uncertain return on investment involved:
While the initial cost of implementing a user-friendly and organisation-customised HCM may be significant, the ultimate goal of technology is to help save money by increasing productivity, decreasing human error, and enhancing employee engagement (and thereby retention). Long-term ROI for HCMs has been demonstrated.
Regarding support and maintenance, the cloud-model of HR technology has eliminated the need for full-fledged internal HR teams to design, implement, and operate HR applications.
HR technology is only required for large corporations:
A benefit of the cloud model of HR technology is the versatility of its offers, which range from 10 to 10,000 users or more. This has allowed even tiny start-ups to reap the benefits of HR technology and compete on a level playing field with established giant corporate houses.
The benefit of employing HR technology for a growing firm is that its HR operations will not be influenced by the size of expansion.
HR technology streamlines and simplifies the role of the HR professional, allowing him or her to focus on more strategic HR responsibilities. This will enhance rather than diminish the strategic importance of the HR professional. It is past time for HR and line managers to acknowledge this fact and embrace technology. After all, today's HR paradigm is "perform or die," and technology is one of the pillars that supports performance.
End Note:
With uKnowva HRMS, you do not need to have any previous IT or programming knowledge as it is a module based HRMS platform with an easy and highly user friendly Interface. uKnowva also aims to increase human interactions and employee engagement in businesses with its amazing social intranet services where employees can ease down and communicate with a much more informal voice and enjoy discussions on official and unofficial businesses.