The world is changing faster than we have ever imagined, and we have to move with it lest we stay behind this race to reach the destination. Just a decade back it was hard to think that social aspect will ever be introduced in the official environmental but today social factor has become a corner stone in every business. This paradigm shift has been brought by the native evolution of humans who are in constant search for innovation and betterment of technology. With the advent of giant social networking companies like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin the face of the business has changed for better.
Taking this social concept ahead and integrating its feature in the enterprise software can deliver you what we now call enterprise social software that has the power to change the landscape of the way business is carried out. Today worldwide companies have realized that social collaboration is very important to the success of their business and to create long-term business value. More than 80 percent of fortune 500 companies are using enterprise social software in some or the other way. The impressive outcome they have witnessed has made their faith more strong this platform. Though there are still doubting thomases but eventually even they will realized the benefits of enterprise social software. Even in India companies are waking up to the fact that traditional way of siloed based businesses is no more effective in this digital era. Now more and more organization is opting for Enterprise collaboration software to carry on the everyday businesses.
uKnowva is one such initiative in the direction of making organization a better place to work. uKnowva is Enterprise Collaboration Software that offers a private and secure platform for employees to engage in seamless networking and communication, sharing of rich knowledge and leveraging the capabilities of business productive tools to achieve accelerated growth and increased productivity. It helps to create a energized work-atmosphere in the organization which dramatically improved the productivity and sharing of knowledge. Some of the features that make uknowva an ideal choice for small and large organization are Network, Document, Knowledge, task management, HRMIS and Support Desk. This secure platform comes in three editions subscription, one-time and on-premise editions each with its own strength and flexibility. Some of the industry’s biggest names like future capital, EMC, wockhardt foundation, istreet networks have show trust on uKnowva. As employees in the organization are getting empowered and the top management are involving them in the decision making process new way of business is emerging.
In the coming days more and more organizations will shift to the enterprise collaboration platform to streamline their processes, promote sharing and collaboration, to tap the tacit knowledge of the employees and to access the unified platform from where they can access their work related important applications.