Get real-time information of the required currency using this module. It allows you to know the currency conversion rates and convert money from one currency to another in a very simple interface. All you need to do is enter the amount you want to convert, select the from and to currencies. You will get the current, market converted rate.
Rajat is from Convergence Team. He likes to learn about new and happening things in tech. Loves listening to song & watching movies
View ProfileGet real-time information of the required currency using this module. It allows you to know the currency conversion rates and convert money from one currency to another in a very simple interface. All you need to do is enter the amount you want to convert, select the from and to currencies. You will get the current, market converted rate.
Current Version | What's new | Last Updated On | Compatibility |
1 | Dec 14, 2024 | 2.4.4 and up |