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Employee retention plans are the organisation’s top-of-mind to reduce turnover and increase internal branding scores. However, employee engagement platforms have to be impressive, agile, and flexible. Only then employees will be interested in using those tools. 

Gather enough information from this blog post on “how to keep your current staff engaged effectively?” Use the engagement tools to incorporate those strategies talked about below. 

Strategies To Keep Employees Engaged in 2023:

  1. Ensure that you hire smart. 

To begin the score of employee engagement in your organisation, you must hire right. Carefully choose job and culture-fit candidates out of the available talent pool.

Do not hesitate to onboard over-achieving and higher performing candidates with higher pay. With candidates to hire are self-driven and love to achieve new goals every day, that’s a positive point for any organisation.

Such employees always bring novelty to the firm and corporate culture. However, do not compromise with the talent when you’re hiring right.

As employees who will not be culture or job-fit for the firm will engage less no matter less. Your employee engagement platform would not be fruitful to motivate such employees for long.

  1. Invite clarity and automation in your onboarding process.

Decide early on how many employees are to be hired in a given period for numerous job openings. You have to work in tandem with the CHROs and senior HR executives for that. 

However, with the presence of the uKnowva recruitment engine, such decisions are streamlined without hassle. You can post clear company policies, referral rules, and acceptable company culture. 

This way, your HR persons would know whom to hire, from where, and at what cost. Clear communication between CEOs, CFOs, and CHROs is essential here to clarify the onboarding process. 

This can happen or take place on the employee engagement platform.

Because when your onboarding policies are clear, it’s easier to hire efficiently from the preferred job portal. It also involves the right cost, time, and talent to onboard.

In fact, new hires’ orientation in the company is seamless with an automated onboarding system and engine. 

  1. Offer your staff competitive pay each year.

Your employee would love to communicate, collaborate, and network on the employee engagement software.

However, that score evolves or improves every quarter as you offer competitive pay to your sincere performers and employees. 

Employee benefits & engagement platforms have a strong connection. If your employees don’t feel that they are receiving competitive pay every year, one of their basic expectations to engage will be reduced. 

That’s one of the reasons employees are your internal stakeholders. If you fail to offer them better pay, they eventually look for other companies. 

However, if you can satisfy basic pay expectations every year, employee engagement will be satisfactory with profitable results. 

It’s a universal truth for every company where satisfied employees bring in more customers. They deliver projects on time and serve end customers/clients profoundly. 

They will have no reason not to engage with the tool for extending their goal-oriented collaborations and communications. 

  1. Welcome open, honest, and purpose-driven communications. 

Another strategy to invite more employee engagement is to offer them better channels for open, honest, and purposeful communications. uKnowva employee engagement software offers that to HRs and their companies. 

Using this tool, your staff is likely to participate in pulse surveys, polls, quizzes, and discussion forums. Each such participation will have a motive to communicate through.

On the other hand, HR managers and team leaders can gauge the results from these participations. 

When they make necessary changes in the company culture, employees realise each of their votes or opinions count. If that importance starts to grow amongst your staff, engagement rates on the tool will soar. 

They will be happy to bring new ideas, suggestions, and improvements. Then, CHROs and CEOS can discuss the possibilities of these suggestions with their policymakers.

However, give due credit to each employee if their suggestion flows successfully through the pipeline.

  1. Offer your employees the right opportunities to grow.

Your next employee engagement platform must have provisions for employees to grow and upgrade their talent. That is through various learning materials and courses. You can upload certified courses and modules there. 

It will help your employees to learn something new every 3-6 months. Later, they use this skill set in their new and challenging projects. This cycle upgrades your employee's standard of living, business mindset, and overall quality of work life. 

They will eventually grow fond of engaging on the given uKnowva HRMS software. Because that is where they get to learn new subjects every month or so. They can become subject matter experts by enrolling in various courses regularly. 

If you’re providing this to your team, they have numerous creative and innovative things to look forward to. With that notion, they will stay satisfied and engaged with the software to share their progress. 

  1. Take pride in your employee’s achievements.

Make your employee feel special. Not just on the special days like their entry, exit, anniversaries, or birthdays. Ensure to take pride in your employees’ growth. That could be for achievements within and outside the firm.

Make them feel that you’re listening to them using the employee engagement platform. Show them that you have seen their progress and could not be happier for them. 

That could be through live announcements and notices published by relationship managers, HR persons, CHROs, or co-founders. 

The higher the position of the post owner, the more will be a positive ego boost for the employee. Plus, if the entire organisation gets to like, share, and comment on such posts, the engagement rates can break records. 

Such events and announcements actually help other employees to work on themselves. They feel their inner drive to do better for receiving this much attention and love from their seniors, peers, and juniors. 

It’s one of those occasions where employees engage happily without delays. 

  1. Leverage the availability of insightful real-time reports.

Use insightful reports in the HRMS to understand the deep connection between employee benefits & engagement platforms. These analytics reports expand your knowledge and perspectives about your staff’s behaviour. 

You will verify your employees’ connection to the company culture with their data in the system during a period. From these reports, you will know:

  • Who performs well, extraordinary, and not so well?
  • Who comes to work on time every day, and who does not?
  • How many are happy while working at the given roster hours?
  • How many have been engaging in the system to participate in their votes regularly?
  • What are those changes your employees often demand?
  • How often are team-building activities taking place on the tool?
  • How many employees are achieving their KPIs and projects on time?

These are a few basic questions. As you drill deeper into this analysis, you will get to the crux of the issue at any point. 

Then, your policymakers can help you digitally reform HR communications for better engagements without hampering internal goodwill. 


There can be numerous strategies to level up your employee engagement rates. Find out tips that matter and are affordable from the above listicle. 

Contact us today to know more about uKnowva HRMS.

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