Today every company wants to deploy enterprise collaboration software. Companies are investing thousands of dollars in the shiny new tools. But not all these implementation are successful and reason for this are plenty. Just implementing collaborative software will not make it successful but having a proper strategy and collaborative culture at work place can make a huge difference.
By avoiding below mistakes you can indeed make the enterprise collaboration initiative a success.
1. Don’t use technology to initiate collaboration: Just implementing the latest enterprise collaboration software will not guarantee you success. Your company or organization should have open communication and collaborative culture. Many software use features that enable employees to have conversations, post project status updates, form groups, share documents and even establish networks with external partners. Thus collaboration should be in the company culture rather that finding in new software or tools.
2. Implementing technology without strategy: Before implementing enterprise collaboration software it is always advisable for the companies to have a proper strategy and plans. Sometimes it so happen that the company may not be ready for collaborative tools and implementing one won’t yield great result. Hence make sure that your company has a proper strategy and a roadmap before taking the plunge.
3. First know the problem then look for solution: Many times it happen that companies not exactly knowing what they want to solve look for the solution. To make enterprise collaboration initiatives successful companies need to know why they need collaborative tools and what exactly will it solve? For example some companies may face difficulties in collaboration among employees, for some sharing of data may be the concern and for some communication across the company. If organization faces such problems then looking for enterprise collaboration tool makes sense.
4. Making adoption compulsory: Collaboration cannot be taught it has to inculcate in the very culture of the organization. Employees should be encouraged to collaborate, communicate and share knowledge. The first one who should be doing all this should be the company’s top management. This will inspire the people down to start collaborating and sharing. Deploying a tool and making it compulsory to use it will only bring more resentment among employees. And chances are that the resistance to such tools will increase in the future. Leading by example is a great way to make implementation of enterprise collaboration a true success.