When an employee quits your company, what happens next? Many firms' termination procedures are strewn together in a haphazard manner spanning email, paper trails, and private talks.
This isn't only a problem for employees who are leaving. It's detrimental to the company's bottom line.
According to OneLogin study, failing to remove ex-employees from company networks resulted in a data breach for 20% of IT decision-makers. Organizations must abandon dangerous manual employee offboarding process in favour of automated digital operations to avoid gaps and assure adherence to business rules.
4 top reasons explaining why you should automate your employee offboarding process:
Ensure that security and compliance are met.
An employee offboarding procedure, in an ideal world, would be a methodical technique to handle departures and reduce risk.
Companies with irregular offboarding policies frequently face data security challenges in the real world. Important termination procedures, such as deprovisioning accounts, can easily fall between the cracks when an organization's offboarding process is poorly defined, fragmented, or paper-based.
OneLogin revealed that 25% of respondents took more than one week to deprovision departing workers in a poll of 500 IT decision-makers. A quarter of those polled said they had no idea how long these accounts remain active after an employee left.
Remove the source of conflict for departing staff.
For some existing employees, the offboarding process is all about the company and lacks empathy. This is most noticeable with terminated workers, but it may equally apply to those who leave on their own terms.
What many firms fail to see is that good employee offboarding is about more than just reducing obvious legal hazards to the business. It's also about making sure staff get what they need, ideally in a personal way.
At its most basic, this is keeping workers informed of what to expect.
It might also mean: with the use of workflow automation software, it could also mean:
- Exit interviews can be scheduled automatically.
- Facilitating the spread of knowledge
- Allowing workers to express comments on their work experience digitally
- Allowing workers to electronically sign and submit severance and other documents
Democratize the termination process.
Digitizing the employee offboarding process is extremely advantageous for firms that do not have a typical HR presence, such as remote-first businesses or organisations with different locations.
Without a specialised HR team on-site to monitor each stage of the process, offboarding responsibilities frequently fall on the office manager or the terminating manager—people who typically know far less about termination procedures than HR.
Their inexperience frequently necessitates learning on the fly, and with so many moving parts, the potential for errors is enormous. A checklist for employee offboarding would undoubtedly assist, but automating the process from start to finish will ensure that anybody in your business can monitor offboarding with confidence and consistency.
Improve HR professionals' productivity
Manual offboarding not only increases the possibility of inaccuracy. It also keeps HR personnel bogged down in paperwork. Whether or not a business has a formal employee offboarding process, a good plan will likely contain some variation of the following activities:
- Employee user accounts being deprovisioned.
- Creating, disseminating, and collecting signatures on written contracts
- Finishing up severance payments and the final cheque (s)
- Obtaining ownership of company-owned property/technology
- Exit interviews must be scheduled and/or facilitated.
To complete each of these duties, HR personnel who rely on paper must collaborate with stakeholders from many departments ranging from IT to finance. When there are gaps in communication, there are frequent holes in the process as well.
Is your offboarding procedure hindering your progress?
When it comes to offering a consistent offboarding experience, it's simple to fall short. However, today's modern corporation cannot afford to scrimp on farewells. With the advent of remote work, firms with an automated offboarding plan are best positioned to decrease risk while without alienating former workers. uKnowva HRMS provides on of the best HRMS software equipped with a top of the line exit management system that businesses should totally check you!