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Establishing psychological safety at workplace is crucial for fostering a culture where employees feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgement or reprisal. 

This foundational element promotes open communication and collaboration through a social intranet ultimately leading to increased employee engagement and a greater sense of belonging. 

Read the post ahead for understanding the meaning and significance of psychological safety. Get up close with the practical strategies for cultivating it within teams and workplaces. 

Once you’re sure your organisation needs to develop this, implement a smart HRMS portal like ours with ease. 

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Meaning of Psychological Safety at Work:

Psychological safety, within a group, is a shared belief in an individual’s ability to perform open communication and expression without the fear of any negative consequences, such as retribution or unjust criticism.

At work, it’s a shared expectation held by the members of a team that the teammates will not embarrass, reject or punish anyone on their expression of ideas and concerns, taking risks, doing and accepting mistakes, or soliciting feedback.

People often mistake psychological safety with being nice to each other at all times, whereas this sits nowhere close to its concept. Unfortunately, at work, ‘being nice’ is often synonymous with ‘not being candid’, which has real business repercussions. 

When thoughts are not clearly expressed, when ideas go unsaid and when people fear being fallible on taking risks, creative problem-solving is obstructed resulting in failed collaboration and clash of ideologies among the team members. 

Significance of Psychological Safety at the Workplace:

When a workplace is psychologically safe employees don’t hold back from contributing to the team's efforts. Their real engagement and activity rates can be seen clearly on a unified HRMS like uKnowva with real-time insights. 

Not only do employees feel comfortable enough to be authentic about their ideas, concerns, and doubts but they also acknowledge the diversity in the perceptions of their teammates about a single thing.

For instance, they can share feedback and suggestions easily on uKnowva HRMS and reach out to the dedicated support team in times of any grievance or concern. 

Psychologically safe members volunteer to take initiative and work collectively towards fixing problems rather than accusing or blaming someone for their mistakes. 

This reflects a supportive peer group where every individual has clarity of their role, reducing the chances of conflicts within the group.

Psychological safety within a team allows individuals to work efficiently in sync with others towards organisational innovation. Employees engage and experiment with new strategies without the fear of retribution or retaliation.

8 Steps Creating Foundations of Psychological Safety at the Workplace:

Communicate why employees’ voices matter:

Employees usually feel safe to stay silent and hold back any ideas and opinions. Managers and team leaders must overturn this instinct by providing them a platform to openly communicate their ideas, concerns and feedback. 

For this to happen, leaders must convey to employees clearly and specifically why their inputs and viewpoints matter and how it is going to affect the resultant work. Establishing clear norms and expectations builds a sense of predictability and fairness in the workplace.

Let teams make mistakes and normalise vulnerability:

Leaders need to set an example of taking calculated risks for their team members. This behaviour or call of action shows how fruitful vulnerability can be as long as one is honest, transparent, and committed to grow at scale. 

Actively invite input:

Expecting employees to simply share their thoughts and assume that they understand that you want their input is the most injudicious thing to do. 

Employees put themselves at the forefront of contribution when they see curiosity for their opinions at the receiver’s end. 

Hence, leaders must show curiosity and explicitly ask for their opinions through open forums, surveys, polls, suggestion boxes, discussion channels, or streamed chats using a unified HRMS platform. 

Such avenues open dialogues that promote working through complicated ideas, conflicts, asking for help, and taking calculated risks.

Create space for new ideas:

Welcome new ideas and involve those in productive discussions to validate them; even with witty questions or ideas, handle them discreetly. 

Teams must also be praised for doing the same on an open forum like a social intranet. There should not be pre-imposed or fixed ideas, steps, methods, or results while doing something creative or collaborative.

Manage conflicts wisely:

Managing and resolving conflicts productively while building psychological safety at the workplace is crucial for fostering a healthy work culture. It requires open communication, empathy, and a willingness to address issues head-on.

Proper assessment of the situation, avoiding assumptions and establishing clear guidelines beforehand can help address disagreements constructively and prevent them from escalating.

Avoid blame culture:

Effective leaders understand that blaming individuals for a problem is a futile exercise. 

Instead, as a leader, it is your role to figure out the root cause of the problem that occurred and look for ways to minimise or eliminate such issues in the future. This way, employees will feel safe taking risks.

Promote team-building activities:

Research has repeatedly shown that organisations benefit from the diversity of thought. People with different life experiences are better able to recognise problems and offer creative solutions than groups with similar life experiences. 

Encouraging employees to get involved in team-building activities will help those diverse minds get along with each other well and make efficient collaborations.


Give credit for the efforts employees make and reward them accordingly. Recognition of work always encourages employees to participate more, contribute more, and make intentional efforts towards opening up in the workplace.


Psychological safety at workplace is not just a “nice to have;” it impacts the organisation’s bottom line, and is believed to only grow in importance in the coming years. 

Being consistent with psychological safety helps to unlock the contributions of all the talents in the enterprise and ensures the organisation is better equipped to prevent the breakdown in team collaborations.

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  • How do you know if your team has Psychological safety?

You can gauge your team's psychological safety by observing if members feel comfortable taking risks, expressing their ideas openly, admitting mistakes without fear of retribution, and if there's mutual trust and respect among team members. 

Regular feedback sessions and open communication channels can also help in assessing the level of psychological safety within your team.

  • What are the common misconceptions related to Psychological Safety?

Misconceptions about psychological safety include:

  • Equating it with comfort.
  • Avoiding accountability.
  • Applying a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Expecting instant results.
  • Overlooking the importance of addressing conflict constructively.

It's about fostering an environment where people feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and engage in healthy conflict without fear of negative consequences. Building psychological safety takes time and ongoing effort, tailored to each team's unique dynamics.

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