In the new age work mantra socializing is one of the most important tool to strengthen teams and create more communication between the employees. And the new age trend also says that people in general love to engage socially. So why not create a mix of both worlds?
Get your employees to engage socially with each other. They will anyways do it through other open source social platforms, but I you give them an internal platform like uKnowva to do the same, it will benefit your work culture the most. When employees interact on social level, they tend to mingle better and this leads to more joint efficiency in their work. Also they work as a team because they are socially friends. Social engagement of employees brings along various perks, you have to experience it to know it.
Here are some ways you can engage employees socially at work.
1) Social Intranet
Give employees a platform to share socially. This should include updates, images, videos etc which generally a good social page would allow. They network here would be restricted to within the organization and of course all employees should be allowed to access the same even in working hours.
2) Polls
Employees cannot express themselves freely often, so give them a platform to express their views and you will be surprised by their results. Give this a shot!
3) Blogs
Create a single internal blog but let anybody from the organization contribute to the same. And the rule should be anything but work. You will not only explore some hidden talents but also help people in the organization grow.
4) Plan a party calendar
Keep a common calendar marked for everyone and update regular parties for the employees. It may not be a pocket burning one, but maybe just snacks in the office when the live match is playing. Your employees will love working for you in such culture.
5) Create some creative recognition
We all are rewarded for excellence in work, but what about some creative rewarding which will keep alive the fun at work. Maybe something like the best dressed person of the month, the best blog writer of the month, etc etc. Your employees will be automatically engaged.
6) Give space for interaction and knowledge sharing
Blogs can be for internal sharing. But create a separate platform for sharing knowledge and updates. You could appoint a professional motivator, an expert in some field etc to contribute to this platform. Because learning should never stop.