In today’s internet world the rate at which information is produced everyday is greater than what we can consume. Every company generates tons of information on daily basis but not all information is useful, only some part of it is useful and need to be retained. But many companies don’t have a proper mechanism to capture and retain this valuable knowledge. It is similar to digging goldmine if you need gold then you have to dig out tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. In the current state the knowledge generated in the company is stored on employees work station or mail etc. Moreover the mechanism should be such that employees should be motivated to share their knowledge related to business process. Also, whenever a person wants to retrieve some useful information he should be able to do that quickly.
uKnowva is one the easiest and workable solution in knowledge management it helps companies to capture and retain knowledge. uKnowva is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform in which the knowledge feature is well integrated. The employees can share, business and process related information through this knowledge section. They can create new topics, attach image, videos, Pdf, powerpoint or excel and share it among the colleagues. This helps to retain vital knowledge which can help new employees with their learning and work process. This feature in uKnowva also allows the flexibility for the colleagues to reply and add their thoughts to it, this way best knowledge emerges from the employees. You can also see the number people who viewed and replied to your post. As the competition is getting more challenging and the cost for training and retaining new employees is sky rocketing the need for knowledge retaining mechanism will be very useful. uKnowva’s knowledge feature very well serves its purpose and many companies can take advantage this.