Access levels are like remote controls, they make the system easy and much more organized. Make full use of them especially when it comes to data management.
Enterprise collaborations platforms make data management and sharing a piece of cake. Since your data is available to all through a single platform, a lot of your time and efforts are saved. But in 99.9% cases it so happens that the data is not meant to be shared with everybody. What do we do in such a scenario?
This is when access levels come to the rescue.
Access levels define your customized permissions regarding who can view your documents, edit it and share it ahead. In case you have multiple people who can should see the document and a bare few who shouldn’t, you can reverse the settings and state access levels for those who should not see the data.
The biggest advantage of access levels is that it keeps the documents safe and secure. Companies run on big data and preserving it is of utmost important. Even more important is to make sure it is available only to the right people. Leaking of important data can impose heavy losses to the organization which might be more than just monetary.
Another benefit of access levels is that you need to restrict who uses your collaborative platform. Platforms like uKnowva give ample services along with data management and sharing. It is not fair to keep others void of these useful and interesting features of uKnowva just because they are not supposed to check the data you have uploaded. This might include some junior level executives, associates, stake holders and vendors. In this case again keeping access level is the best solution.
Further access levels give you the freedom to use the data space on your collaboration software completely. You might have some documents that you don’t want to share with anybody but you need a safe space to store them. So there you go, just set the access level and save it in the common server of your collaboration platform.
Although access levels might seem like an obvious option, but its benefits are far more than you can think of. Try for yourself!
Read more about data management features and access levels on