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callTalk to our Experts

Last few days organizations have rolled out the mandate for work from home policies amid the spread of Covid-19.

It's pragmatic to assume that shifting to working remotely is the sensible way to go to given the WHO's' ( World Health Organization) announcement that COID-19 has officially reached ‘pandemic’ status.

There are ways to make work from home a productive environment and let your employees deliver their best. uKnowva HRMS stands up to the challenge amidst such crisis. You ask how?

Well, uKnowva has existing alternative approaches and processes in place that allow remote working with smoother solutions and facilities. Read the remote employees challenges below which uKnowva helps to focus on regularly. 

Remote Working Challenges uKnowva Helps To Tackle:


Challenge 1: How to record employee attendance?

Attendance maintenance for the employees who are working from home is always a question mark for the HR department. uKnowva has a geo fencing Intelligence tool that allows creating a geofence for the employee to punchin from. Besides these uKnowva has the option to mention Office Static IPs such that if anyone punches from these IPs then it will not go for manager's approval.

Read more about it here:

Challenge 2: Communication Gaps

Crank up the communication with uKnowva's intranet. Connect with your colleagues since your network is limited to the people in your organization, your microblogging activities stays confidential and safe within the digital walls of your uKnowva social intranet.

Coronavirus or not, the key to working from home is clear communication with your boss – and knowing exactly what’s expected of you.

uKnkowva's social intranet exactly helps you achieve that.

Read more here:

Challenge 3: Keeping tabs on employees

If you enable Smart reminders in uKnowva plugins, then it also reminds the users if they have forgotten to punch in, hence reducing a lot of HR efforts of running behind people to regularize their attendance.

In Conclusion

As the organisation and circumstances change, so do our workplace models. And uKnowva aids you and your business to stay ahead of the curve. In that regard is your company ready with uKnowva?

Here's where you can find out how to Configure a perfect remote working policy using uKnowva HRMS -

These easy steps will help your employee stay safe from Covid-19 and have a smooth time working remotely without disrupting your business.

For any additional queries regarding adapting these approaches do get in touch with our support team. We are here help keep your organisations up and running despite the crisis.

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