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uKnowva as an enterprise collaboration platform has many uses. We like to think that uKnowva is fresh clay waiting to be modeled into what you want it to be. One of the things you can model this clay into is a Partner Portal

For the uninitiated, let’s start with defining a Partner Portal. TechTarget defines a Partner Portal as “a Web-based application that allows a manufacturer's established partner (usually a distributor, reseller, installer, service provider, or other strategic partner) to obtain direct access to marketing resources, pricing and sales information, as well as technical details/support that are unavailable to other end users.”

In simpler terms, it is a network where you post all the relevant information for your partners, distributors, resellers, vendors, etc. You can post promotions or discounts that are relevant to these groups associated with your company, let them view the service terms, rules and other policies of your organization. You basically get a common platform where information exchange between you and your partners takes place.

When you require such a platform, uKnowva seems the ideal choice as it has been made for similar purposes and hence, provides the features that you would require in a partner portal. uKnowva’s basic features include a social network, a discussion forum, a document repository, polls, personal messaging and IM.

The social network allows you to have your own profile, add connections (connect with other users), share photos and videos, and much more. The discussion forum serves as a knowledge repository where discussions can be held on a host of topics. The document repository allows you to share documents with other users while applying restrictions on who can view, edit, and delete files. You can also specify whether PDF files can be downloaded or not, thus increasing the security.

Polls can be used to help you get your partners’ feedback and opinions. IM and personal messaging lets you connect with other members instantly.

In addition to these features, you can post statuses, create events and invite other users to them, set reminders on the calendar, post notices on the notice board and much more. You can also browse the Extensions Store and install apps that you feel would be useful for your partner network. Your network will be completely customizable, with you being the administrator. 

You will be more connected to your partners, and as information exchange will be faster the time overhead will reduce. This will increase your income and profits. Get uKnowva today and see how your profits soar.

For more information on uKnwova, please visit or send a mail to


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