Today Android is one of the most successful operating system for mobile and tablet. But many of the people who say that android is their favorite OS may not know the hidden facts of Android. Here are the some of the lesser known facts about Android operating system.
1. Android was not a Google's Idea
Android is a brain child of Andy Rubin the founder of Android Inc. Andy founded the company in October 2003 to offer a new kind of mobile platform to the users. Google bought the company in the year 2005 and hired Andy Rubin to head the Android.
2. Android was about to close
After the company was founded it became difficult for the founder to keep it floating and carry out everyday business operations. It is said that Steve Perlman the technology legend saved the company by infusing much needed fund.
3. Microsoft thought Android is a Dud
After the release of Android Microsoft's Scott Horn, who was head of the Windows mobile marketing team back then underestimated Android by commenting, “I don't understand the impact they are going to have”.
4. Resolution scaling was introduce in version 1.6
For the first time in Donut and Android 1.6 feature like resolution scaling was introduced. This led to modern and more sophisticated version of android.
5. Android in Space
A British firm launched a Nexus one into space to control satellite as a part of experiment to see how consumer electronics works in the tough and rigorous condition of space.
6. The first code name for Android was only related to food
According to Google’s Dan Morrill the first Alpha version release of Android in 2007 internally was named as R2-D2