It has been quite a while in the news that facebook was about to show the new look for its news feed. It created a lot of buzz by sending invite to press people along with bloggers and techno enthusiast. As per their invite Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, on 7th March 8, 2013 unveiled the new look of its news feed. It may take a while for everyone to witness this grand new look but some of the select few are already enjoying this. So what is this new look all about? How users are going to receive it needs to be seen in future.
As per Mark Zuckerberg the new looks is refreshing and looks visually rich and engaging. The new looks comes with large image space, that makes them look bigger and more prominent. The good thing they came out with is the feature that allows you to prioritize your feed now you can follow friends, music, photos from the pages you like and people you follow without content from other encroaching on the topics you chose. The new design shows that photos are taking prominence over texts and hence form now onwards you will see bigger and more vibrant photos in your news feed. Not just photo feed even the music feed will be prominently placed so that you can seamlessly enjoy your music feed. The upcoming section has also undergone some changes now onwards it will be easier for you to track events that your friends are attending each day.
Now users get to see story, music or video liked and shared by their friends only once however they can still see the number of people who have liked it. Facebook knows that the future is going to be mobile and tablet and hence it has made the new look consistent with all devices, so whether you are viewing facebook on Smartphone, tablet, desktop or Phablet everything looks consistent. Soon these new changes will reflect on your mobiles devices currently the new design is rolled out on a limited basis.