Although enterprise collaboration tool is fast catching up with today’s modern and high growth businesses yet the overall demand is not so encouraging. IDC predicted enterprise collaboration segment will see growth in future and the sales will be more than US $4 billion in 2016. Inspite of all the encouraging oulook there is always resistance from businesses. Though they cite different reasons for not deploying or using the enterprise collaboration software nevertheless we could suggest solutions to overcome their negative fear about these amazing collaborative tools.
Why business resist using collaborative tools;
1. We have other priorities:
What can be more important than to increase productivity and profitability of the company? Most of the time due to lack of complete knowledge regarding collaborative tools managers and senior IT executive fail to understand the importance of collaborative platform. Isn’t sharing knowledge, connecting with each other and communicating a priority? Company’s top management team and IT managers have to come together to discuss the implication of this kind of platform. This will boost the overall confidence of the team and both will have common points to work on. Training and knowledge is also important at most business place the CIOs and other VIPs are not well acquainted with this platform and thus they are not exactly sure how this platform will help them.
2. Online security issues
Though security threats are legitimate issues but it could be addressed through proper security measures. The first thing company’s top management or CIOs can do before opting for an enterprise collaboration tool is to review the product and check out the vendor’s credibility. As per the present data no serious damage has been done to company with the implementation of enterprise collaboration software. Though most of the companies know that anything that is offered online will always have an element of security threat but with proper use of firewall and latest security technology the problem can be overcome. In most of the companies IT teams are more concerned with architecture, integration, support of the product rather than security. Hence giving security as a reason for not implementing enterprise collaboration is not justified. Rather than offering excuses company can draw out their objectives that they need to achieve and engage with a couple of vendors and use their free version before finalizing on it.
3. Lack of Budget
This will always be a perennial problem with most of the businesses but that should not be the reason to lose plethora of opportunity that enterprise collaboration tools offer. Most of the companies use intranet system but it comes with limited features and functionality. Use of enterprise collaboration tool can greatly save money, increase productivity and profitability of the company. Many vendors offer free versions of their enterprise collaboration software with limited set of features, so if companies are falling short on budget then they can anytime use this free version to test it usefulness and then opt for paid version. This way company will be able to find the right solution that fit into their budget. Company can use subscription based enterprise collaboration software and save money on hardware and server costs. uKnowva is one of the Indian based enterprise collaboration tool provider, they offer a secure platform for the employees to connect, share and communicate.