www.uknowva.comA decade back there was nothing called as web 2.0 and internet was still evolving with a rapid pace. Back then internet was mainly used for searching information, shopping and communication through mails. There was no facebook, youtube, linkedin etc. But with the advent of all this social networking sites the landscape of the internet has changed a lot. People used to these social networking sites want similar kind of platform at their workplace. This has given rise to consumerization of IT and it is on the rise, whether it is BYOD or Enterprise social collaboration platform. With the changing dynamics of IT space it becomes important for businesses to embrace the change and move ahead. Enterprise collaboration software offers a platform for the people working the company to connect with their colleagues, communicate with them, exchange document with them, work on projects simultaneously, share information or knowledge etc. More than technical change it is more of a behavioral change of the consumer who use it. Collaboration is one of the most powerful concepts in any organization and using it for the advantage of company’s productivity is great. But new tools are required for seamless collaboration across company and different geographies and the present enterprise collaboration software offers that platform to businesses.
If your company still uses e-mail for communication and other out-of date platform like intranet to offer information to users then time has come to shift to comprehensive enterprise collaboration software. uKnowva is one such enterprise collaboration software that allows company to connect, collaborate and share information and work related activities.
For more information on uKnowva, visit www.uknowva.com