All companies have their intranets that they use for communicating with employees, but the problem that they all face is that the employees don’t really use the intranets much. A little bit of research showed that one of the main reasons for this low participation on company intranets is the “boring” factor. Employees, who are also avid social networkers, find the company intranets boring and drab when compared to Facebook, Twitter, or even LinkedIn.
uKnowva has attempted to change this view that people have of company intranets.
uKnowva has given a twist to the “boring” company intranet and given it a more prominent social angle. The UI (one of the main attention grabbing factors) is refreshing and hence more interesting. uKnowva believes in not restricting the social factor to only networking sites and has introduced it to companies.
When you ask anyone about the features of a good social network, they’d tell you they want something similar to Facebook. That means they want a good interface, lightning-fast instant messenger, friends to connect with, an activity “wall,” activities to keep them engaged and basically hold their interest for a long long time.
When you talk of company intranets, adding activities that will engage employees will be at odds with the actual aim of having employees in the first place. So, may be no activities. But the messenger, friend list and activity wall?? Very attainable and in such a way that it improves instead of deteriorating employee performance.
Your colleagues are your friends; you see their activities on your “wall;” you chat with them on the instant messenger regarding work (or not) and you get your work done by helping each other.
Many companies feel that implementing a social intranet will detract employees from their work and reduce employee output. On the contrary, uKnowva actually boosts employee productivity as it is the one place you turn to if you ever need anything. All your colleagues are only one chat message away from you, no matter where they are geographically. You get updates about your clients and colleagues in real time in your Activity List. The UI is very pleasing and so easy to understand that no training is required to actually use it. Also, announcements regarding important events in the company are received by everyone together and immediately.
This also reduces the tension that the higher management have regarding whether everyone is always informed regarding, well, everything.
Social networking sites may be considered a distraction by many in this time, but only because they are misused. If used and implemented properly and in good measure, like uKnowva has done, it will only bring profits to the company using it. Not to mention the fact that going social is the future…