“Change is the only constant”, yet many find it hard to accept. Even in organization you can see change is hard, because when you make change there will be challenges and difficulties which need to be overcome. But many people resist change and skeptical of new things because either they don’t want to learn new things or might be they don’t want to come out of their comfort zone. Enterprise Collaboration software offers a new proposition to the company’s overall work culture yet people at first put of resistance in its usage.
Let us go through 5 myths that are prevalent among organization who wants to use Enterprise Collaboration Software but are skeptical.
Myth #1. Enterprise Collaboration Network offers more Risk than Reward
Many CEOs and CIOs worry that by using Enterprise Collaboration Network the company will disclose sensitive and confidential information. But the matter of fact is with Enterprise Collaboration Network it is possible to safeguard the sensitive company information with various preventing measures. It is done by self-policing the Enterprise Collaboration Network. As the result if there is an issue it is identified earlier and solved.
Other area of concern for management is employees will use this platform to waste company’s valuable time. But in real-world it has been found that employees use this network to carry out their business correspondence in an easy and organized way.
Myth #2. Enterprise Collaboration Network doesn’t give high ROI figure
Since Enterprise Collaboration Network cost money, most CEOs expect a high ROI figure from it during a short period of time. Like other software Enterprise Collaboration Network is not tangible and hence CEOs needs to measure its other subjective and intangible benefits. In a long run Enterprise Collaboration Network delivers ROI that can be measured, including time and cost saving on various on recruitment, training, productivity gains, etc. If you know how to measure the ROI from enterprise collaboration network you will see it does gives a significant returns.
Myth #3. Not everyone will adopt because the learning curve is steep
CEOs and company’s management have this notion that since Enterprise Collaboration Network is new to them they will resist because it requires long training period but the fact is that employees can get on with this platform from day one. The easy and neat looking layout of many of this platform makes learning simple and fast. The bright side of this platform is it is built similar to their familiar Social networking sites and hence they get a sense a familiarity while using this software. With even basic training even the most technical shy person will also be able to use this platform effectively.
Myth #4. Employees won’t contribute much since it is a new platform
CEOs of many companies think that not many employees, even if they use Enterprise Collaboration Network, will contribute to its growth. This they say will defeat the purpose of implementing this platform. But it has been proved beyond doubt that organization who has implemented this platform has received a tremendous response from their employees. The content contribution, knowledge sharing has gone up significantly and has increased the productivity of the company.
Myth #5. Enterprise Collaboration Network will work well between close colleagues
This is yet another wrong assumption CEOs and top management have regarding this platform. Enterprise Collaboration Network is not meant for handful of people rather it success is when the whole group and member of the organization uses it. If any employee needs to broadcast any message to his friend personally he can use message feature rather than sending e-mail likewise if someone need to update anything then can do there right away through activity stream.
These are mostly unverified assumptions of people who want to resist the change and be in their comfort zone.